The Dirty Word in Business Ep #1
Welcome to Purposeful Social Selling! After being a serial entrepreneur and working with online entrepreneurs for over 15 years, Kristen brings a value packed mini coaching session straight to the podcast.
Stop Being a Weirdo Ep #2
On this episode of Purposeful Social Selling, Kristen Boss challenges us to grow in our social selling by taking a deep look into our beliefs about selling. Are you bringing limiting mindsets into your interactions with your clients? Kristen shares how to not make it weird for both you and your client through becoming aware of our own unique purpose.
Why Having a Personal Brand is a Must Ep #4
On today’s show, Kristen will discuss what exactly is a personal brand and why it is important in today’s market and online culture. You may ask yourself, “Do I really need a personal brand?” Yes you do!
Expecting Resistance Ep #5
If you are trying to build a business or even reaching for a goal, you will experience resistance. On today’s Purposeful Social Selling episode, Kristen talks about the inevitable ways resistance is experienced.