Success Thoughts Ep #7

A topic that comes up a lot with my coaching clients is around the ‘thoughts we think.’ And while I typically give you a lot of strategy and action items on the podcast, the thoughts you think are so important because they are the precursor to all of your actions. Our thoughts cause our emotions. And every action we take in life comes from an emotion.

Marketing vs. Manipulation Ep #8

Today’s episode on the difference between marketing and manipulation is probably going to rock the boat and it may trigger some of you. But let it. This is a powerful conversation about how each of us is showing up in the online space to sell our product and/or service. 

The Dirty Word in Business Ep #1

Welcome to Purposeful Social Selling! After being a serial entrepreneur and working with online entrepreneurs for over 15 years, Kristen brings a value packed mini coaching session straight to the podcast.